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Playground components allow you to write Nextra compatible MDX that renders only on the client. It's modeled after the functionality found in [MDX Playground](

In some instances where remote loading MDX is not an option, this may work as a great alternative.

Here's an example of a codeblock.

console.log("Hello world, this is a playground component!");

## Caveats

Due to the purely client-side nature of this component, features "Table of Contents" and "Frontmatter" will not work.

## Mermaid Example

graph TD
subgraph AA [Consumers]
A[Mobile App]
B[Web App]
C[Node.js Client]
subgraph BB [Services]
F[GraphQL API]
Z[GraphQL API]
A --> Z
B --> Z
C --> Z
Z --> E
Z --> F
Z --> G

Playground components allow you to write Nextra compatible MDX that renders only on the client. It’s modeled after the functionality found in MDX Playground.

In some instances where remote loading MDX is not an option, this may work as a great alternative.

Here’s an example of a codeblock.

console.log("Hello world, this is a playground component!");


Due to the purely client-side nature of this component, features “Table of Contents” and “Frontmatter” will not work.

Mermaid Example


Basic Usage
import { Playground } from 'nextra/components'
# Playground
Below is a playground component. It mixes into the rest of your MDX perfectly.
<Playground source="## Hello world" />

You may also specify a fallback component like so:

Usage with Fallback
import { Playground } from 'nextra/components'
  source="## Hello world"
  fallback={<div>Loading playground...</div>}
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